Our gardens are growing now with seedlings and seeds of various veggies. The list is long but some of the highlights are a couple striped heritage tomatoes, black root lettuce, collards, bell peppers and Kale...we love kale, thus there is a bunch of both curly kale and dinosaur kale. The dino kale is new but anything called dinosaur would probably find a home in my garden. The idea that its kale is even better.
There a couple more additions to the yard that are worth talking about. First up is the dark half of the front yard. It has no grass, it is very dark shade and its wet. We decided to make it into something resembling a woodland trail from the back of the house to the front. This would include a walk way and ferns. I went back to my desire for anything that is NOT grass and IS edible and thus today we spent some time planting Cinnamon Ferns (fiddle heads in spring). I am very excited about all of this.
Second is a replacement boundary for the hedge at the entry to the drive way. Officially its an alley. There is pretty useless hedge there now so what to do? Well, another remarkable urban homesteader friend of ours showed up with a couple Hazel Nut seedlings. Yup - nuts. The trees grow to a reasonable size (in this case maybe 10 feet tall) and take about 3 years to start bearing nuts provides there are both male and female trees in the same general area. There isn't a way to really tell which are which so we planted two, we'll probably plant a couple more just to be sure.
LOVE the idea of the nuts--nice. We've got two stands of ferns (one on Cross and one on Whittier) that you're welcome to when we thin them, if you'd like some.